Exclusive Aqua Industry Congress
Eminent speakers with global experience address various challenges of the industry and also enlighten the aspirants from various sectors about the endless entrepreneurial opportunities present in Fisheries & Aquaculture sector. Inspiring, thought-provoking presentations and exchanges shall focus on the emerging trends in modern fisheries and aquaculture to the existing as well as expected future challenges. Peer-led panel discussions will navigate the changing realities of fisheries and the aquaculture industry, with special attention to areas where innovation can play a key role in the success of the complete fisheries ecosystem.

Knowledge conclave — aquaex india Tech events
India has achieved a remarkable 16-fold increase in annual total fish production during the last six decades to reach 125.00 lakh tons in 2017-18. The major increase in total fish production is being achieved through Aquaculture. The country is witnessing a shift from traditional fish farming to commercial, intensive and precision farming and from low-impact production systems to commercial systems.
Society for Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture (SIFA), Hyderabad, an organisation established by fisheries professionals, farmers and other stakeholders, during the last three years of its existence, has been contributing its mite to catalyse growth by acting as a platform to bring together the researchers, entrepreneurs, and the policymakers to interact, understand the challenges and to address them.
SIFA was instrumental in organising the popular Knowledge Conclaves (KC) as part of Aquaex India 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2022, 2023. One of the important objectives was to facilitate the sustainable development of aquaculture for the benefit of both aqua farmers and fish consumers. In the first KC challenges and opportunities for the introduction of internationally successful cultural practices and management systems were presented by world-renowned scientists and entrepreneurs. The main emphasis of the second KC was to signify the importance of genetically improved fish seeds and quality feed in enhancing fish production. The need for a hygienic fish marketing system and the adoption of fish quality standards were also highlighted.
The main focus of the Knowledge Conclave during ‘Aquaex India Tech 2025’ is to emphasise —
[i] improved governance and policy support across the aquaculture value chain [ii] private and public initiatives in the adoption of innovative technologies and [iii] enhancing the domestic fish consumption for the development of Sustainable Aquaculture in the country.
If you wish to partner with Aquaex India's 'Knowledge Conclave' Seminars or support the initiative by the Society for Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture - please do contact us by filling the form below.
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