The Organising Council

Aquaex India is curated by 'Aqua Farming Technology & Solutions (AFTS)' in partnership with 'The Society for Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture (SIFA)'. The platform has a mission to improve the 'Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry' to invest in the quality of the produce as well as to focus on business to grow in a sustainable manner.

The Organising Council

Aquaex India is curated by 'Aqua Farming Technology & Solutions (AFTS)' in partnership with 'The Society for Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture (SIFA)'. The platform has a mission to improve the 'Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry' to invest in the quality of the produce as well as to focus on business to grow in a sustainable manner.

AFTS is a business growth catalyst that focuses on conducting expositions that are of world class stature pertaining to Fisheries and Aquaculture sector. It is successful in amalgamating the business and knowledge facades together to create a platform that is serving the whole aqua fraternity. AFTS played a pivotal role in the mega success of AQUAEX INDIA - 2018 and AQUAEX INDIA - 2019 which made the whole aqua industry of South Asia take a note of these events. ​​​​​​​
Society for Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture (SIFA) is a registered body set up to promote sustainable fisheries and aquaculture industry in the country. SIFA is promoted by a team of professionals supported by stalwarts with rich experience in fisheries and aquaculture from all over the country. The prime aim of SIFA is to serve as a platform for all stakeholders and bring the latest technologies, products, services, equipment & machineries to benefit the fisheries and aquaculture industry to increase fish production, productivity and profitability. Under SIFA it is planned to organise National and International Exhibitions, Forums, Meetings, Conferences, Seminars and Symposia, etc.
Aquaex India 2022 — Partners
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